United nations global compact principles pdf

United nations global compact sustainable development. The human rights council endorsed the guiding principles in its resolution 174 of 16 june 2011. To put clear light on the best business practices for. The responsible initiatives always led to the allfavored results. I am proud that kpmg international has been a signatory of the ungc since 2002. Mainstream the ten principles in business activities around the world. United nations global compact 10 principles human rights principle 1. These core values make up the ten principles of the ungc. The united nations convention against corruption the global compact asks companies to embrace, support and enact, within their sphere of influence, a set of core values in the areas of human rights, labour standards, the environment, and anticorruption. Special representative annexed the guiding principles to his final report to the human rights council ahrc1731, which also includes an introduction to the guiding principles and an overview of the process that led to their development. Corporate sustainability starts with a companys value system and a principles based approach to doing business. Creating value with the united nations global compact, which contains tools, techniques, case studies, information and resources to help participant companies of all sizes and from all industries and regions implement the gc principles.

The united nations has been the seat and even birthplace of principles since its founding in 1945. Responsible investment has always been in the focus since the evolution of the term responsible business best practice. Businesses in the united nations global compact ungc are committed to a sustainable future and are aware of the complex challenges in different local, regional and global contexts to achieving sustainability in agriculture. These principles also can inform other stakeholders, including governments, as they engage with business. Launched in 2000, the united nations global compact is a call to companies. The global compact is a framework for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with the ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anticorruption. Report of the united nations high commissioner for refugees. Prme principles for responsible management education. Global compact for migration international organization. The united nations global compact ungc is a strategic policy initiative for businesses committed to aligning their operations and strategies with 10 universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anticorruption. We assist companies in adopting the 10 ungc principles in canada. United nations global compact definition investopedia. Global compact for migration international organization for.

The ungc is facilitating the creation of a set of sustainable agriculture business principles sabps to provide guidance to. The rio declaration on environment and development. In a question and answer format, this guide provides a description of each of the four global compact labour principles, and also provides practical guidance on. Esg treatise part 2 united nations global compact whether. The principles for responsible investment were developed by an international group of institutional investors reflecting the increasing relevance of environmental, social and corporate governance issues to investment practices.

The ungc is a set of ten highlevel principles promoting best practice in areas covering human rights, labour rights, the environment and anticorruption. Their two main objectives are on the one hand the promotion of the ten priniciples which constitute the. They are informed by reallife business practices and input gathered from across the globe. The global compact is framed consistent with target 10. The ten principles of the united nations global compact. The united nations has been at the forefront of this development with two initiatives in particular. As a lead member, we are committed to work toward implementing the blueprint for. Thus, we continue to be committed to unyielding integrity and high standards of business conduct in everything we do. The gcnc assists canadian businesses embrace, support, and. The united nations global compact is a strategic initiative that supports global companies whose ceos are committed to responsible business practices in the areas of human. It provides a forward looking forum in which the united nations, companies and civil society organizations can come together in an open and transparent dialogue. Participation makes a statement about values, and it benefits both society. The ungc is a call to companies everywhere to align their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour. A practical guide to the united nations global compact for.

Dec 19, 2017 the united nations global compact ungc is a tactical strategy scheme for companies who commit to align their operational strategies to the principles outlined by the ungc whose main purpose for existence is to assist businesses in managing risks and opportunities presented to them in certain areas such as the environment, society and. The united nations global compact ten principles are a derivative of several of the fundamental values in their declarations from many areas, including. In early 2005, the then united nations secretarygeneral kofi annan invited a group of the worlds largest institutional. As such, it is a work in progress, which will be updated and expanded periodically based on experience with its use and as new tools and resources become available. A coordinated international plan involving the business sector will be critical in efforts to support people and companies affected, limit further disruption to the economy, and. Jan 25, 2015 the united nations global compact ten principles are a derivative of several of the fundamental values in their declarations from many areas, including. Guided by these global initiatives, the bank also endorses a number of initiatives, voluntary guidelines and international conventions with.

The united nations global compact is a voluntary initiative based on ceo commitments to implement universal sustainability principles and to undertake partnerships in. The womens empowerment principles weps are a set of principles offering guidance to business on how to promote gender equality and womens empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community. The labour principles of the united nations global compact. The global compact is entirely nonpolitical in nature, including in its implementation, and is in line with the purposes and principles of the charter of the united nations. The riba is a signatory of the united nations global compact ungc. This is the first edition of the labour principles of the united nations global compact. The ten principles of the united nations global compact are derived from. About united nations global compact ungc 10 principles of. Finally, the connectivity between the united nations global compact and. The ungc is a call to companies everywhere to align their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anticorruption, and to. Guide to corporate sustainability united nations global compact.

The global compact is a voluntary international corporate citizenship network initiated to support. How business schools are responding to covid19 examples from the prme community updated regularly 24 march. The ilo also took active part in the preparation of the source book raising the bar. The united nations global compact is a strategic policy initiative that encourages businesses to support ten universal principles in the areas of human rights, labor standards, the environment. The united nations global compact ungc is a tactical strategy scheme for companies who commit to align their operational strategies to the principles outlined by the ungc whose main purpose for existence is to assist businesses in managing risks and opportunities presented to them in certain areas such as the environment, society and. Global compact united nations initiative britannica. Adapting to a new covid19 reality 9 tips and tools for schools part 2 of 2. The united nations global compact is a nonbinding united nations pact to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation. Corporate sustainability starts with a companys value system and a principlesbased approach to doing business. About united nations global compact ungc 10 principles. United nations global compact sustainable development goals. The united nations strongly encourages all vendors to actively participate in the global compact. Pri, and as such the bank throughout its operations seeks to implement the principles embedded in the united nations global compact, the united nations guiding principles on business and human rights and the oecd guidelines for multinational enterprises.

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